There are only a few options for when a woman is on her period:
Instead (cup type thing)
are the three I know about well. Tampons and cups (Instead) are both inserted into the vagina, and some women don't like doing that, so they rely upon pads. Also, when females are virgins they are smaller/tighter in that area and it can be uncomfortable to use a cup/tampon. Also, when the period is not as heavy of a flow then a pad is the best option. If a woman is too 'dry' and uses a tampon she can get 'Toxic shock syndrome'. The cup is safe when the flow is low, but a pad is generally easier than a cup/tampon at the beginning and end of the period.
Of course this might have been an even more basic question... women wear pads because they have what we call a 'period' which is a monthly 'menstrual cycle' where she bleeds from her vagina so as to renew the lining of her uterus.
when you get your period you bleed that's why girls wear pads and tampons.
They don't they must have worn pads.
some leagues dont make you wear much but most leagues make you wear a mouth guard,knee pads,helmet,wrist pads,elbow pads and of course actual skates and lots of girls have knee socks to make knee pads much more comfortable
i dont wear pads i ocasionally wear a helmet and i wear that on my heade but when i have to wear pads i wear them on my elbows and ocasionaly the wrist guards but they make it harder to bertslide and that.
They wear many.... you have your basic shoulder pads, knee pads, hip pads,thigh pads tail bone pads and your cup.
I wear Triple 8 pads, but I think most girls on my league prefer 187s. The general consensus seems to be that Protec pads are not very good.
They wear pads in lacrosse because they could get hurt.
No, pads do not hurt. I wear pads and they have never ever hurt me.
Girls lacrosse players wear a mouthguard and eye goggles. Thier uniform consists of a jersey, usually a tank top, and a skirt with spandex underneath. Boys lacrosse players wear a lacrosse helmet, shoulder pads, elbow pads, adn rib pads. Girls goalies wear a helmet, a chestguard, padded pants, shinguards, and gloves. Boys goalies wear the same.
No, you can wear knee pads that go on your knees to help with digging.
yes some girls don't like menstruation pads as they itch and they will feel peeing on it .Wearing a diaper helps. It can lower your chance going to the toilet it is safe to wear it
No, rear brake pads do not typically wear faster than front brake pads. The front brake pads usually wear out faster because they handle a larger portion of the braking force.