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Who knows the true answer? It helpes to drink a lot of water nonstop.

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Q: Why get hiccups when wash face?
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What has hands and a face but doesn't wash it face?

A MONKEY! A monkey has hands and a face, but doesn't wash its face!

What has hands and a face but doesn't wash its face?

A MONKEY! A monkey has hands and a face, but doesn't wash its face!

How do you say wash face in french?

Laver la visage (to wash the face) If you want to say: "I wash my face", you say: "Je lave ma visage".

Why do you have to wash your face?

The reason you have to wash your face is because, throughout the day, dirt and oils get on your face. These substances may cause pimples to show up on your face. If you wash your face, you will eliminate most of the unwanted substances. But, I guess if you want pimples, you don't have to wash your face! I would reccommend it though.

Best Face Wash Shop?

Best Face Wash Shop Face Wash shop is a popular online platform for beauty lovers. Here you will find all kinds of authentic facial wash.

Why is your face is burning and peeling after you changed your face wash?

You're probably having a reaction to something in the new face wash that you are using. Rinse your face with clean, warm water and then stop using that certain face wash.

Can men use womens face wash?

Of course. Face wash is face wash, it is just marketed more towards women because they are the larger consumer group.

Where can Neutrogena face wash be bought?

You can purchase Neutrogena face wash online from the official Neutrogena website. You can also purchase Neutrogena face wash from retailers such as Amazon.

What is a good skin routine?

For a DRY face: Morning- wash face (in shower or in sink) exfoliate face moisterize Night- wash face (in shower or sink) moisterize For an OILY face: Morning- wash face (in shower ir sink) exfoliate splash cold water on face (close pores) Night- wash face (shower/sink) moisterize (even if you have oily skin because it will reduce the appearance of pores) For a COMBONATION face: Morning- wash face (shower/sink) Night- wash face (shower/sink) exfoliate moisterize

Can I use face wash on body acne?

It depends on what face wash you are using. If the face wash you are using right now makes you break out more, swich to a different face wash asap. Also look at the ingredients. Some ingredients in your face wash may be irritating your skin. The best solution to find out which face wash is for you, go see your dermitologist.

Is loreal face wash a type of propaganda? they market it might be, but the face wash itself isn't lol

I wash my face everyday with acne wash but I still get acne so how do I stop it?

If you wash your face everyday with acne wash but you still get acne, it is important that you see a dermatologist for thorough examination.