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It DOES have carbohydrates. Some drinks just have more than others.

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Q: Why doesn't alcohol have carbohydrates?
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Does carbohydrates contain sulfur?

no. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Is a protein molecule and example of a carbohydrate?

No...proteins are proteins and carbohydrates are carbohydrates. A carbohydrate can be a sugar but doesnt have to can be a starch also

What is a carb free alcohol drink?

Very few alcoholic drinks are free of carbohydrates (sugars) because these make alcohol pleasant to drink. The alcohol itself is broken down by the body into acetates that behave in a similar way to carbohydrates as they are used by the body to produce energy (calories). So even if an alcohol contains no carbohydrates, it does contain calories. Some vodkas or gins may be free of carbohydrates.

What happens to your body if you eat less carbohydrates?

nothing, your body doesnt need carbohydrates as much as protein,fat etc..

Does Diary milk chocolate contain alcohol?

diary milk of chocolat never contet alcohol

Is wheat a carbohydrates?

it doesnt have alot it has.0000023 per 1 tsp.

How does alcohol cause menieres disease?


What are common types of carbohydrates?

sugar starch fiber alcohol

What process of obtaining energy by changing carbohydrates to alcohol?


The four sources of calories are?

Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Alcohol

Why do they tell you no alcohol on adkins if theres no carbohydrates in it?

Alcohol is a form of sugar so it acts like a carb.

The process of getting energy by changing carbohydrates to alcohol is called?
