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The stomach will stretch beyond it's maximum capacity, but it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to register that it is full. If you keep eating, the stomach wall will stretch. When the wall of the stomach stretches, the nerves of the stomach wall stretch too. These nerves do not like being stretched, and will send messages to you in the form of pain, telling you to stop eating.

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Because you just put extra weight in there that wasn't there before!

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Q: Why does your stomach hurt when you eat to much?
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Well, sometimes my stomach hurts and i throw up because i eat too much.

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You vomit and your stomach will hurt... Your stomach will not know wat to break down so yeah and DO NOT TRY THAT it will hurt

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No, my little sister took it and ate meat and she was fine her stomach didn't hurt at all.

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What happens when you eat laundry detergent depends on how much you eat. A tiny bit won't hurt you, but you can get sick eating more. Symptoms range from mild to moderate stomach pain to severe stomach and gastrointestinal cramps to diarrhea and vomiting.

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your stomach will hurt

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Because you have a stomach bug

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you will not throw your stomach will just hurt

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usally eating to much bad food or your sick of you might get one after a shot

What does it mean when your stomach hurt?

Either you got punched in the stomach or your not feeling well.

How does the swanton bomb hurt?

the back hit on you stomach from high above, it'll hurt you very much!