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Well, if you have Allergies, sometimes, they cause the eye to itch and swell up, also it may be pink eye, go to the doctors. Try to stop itching it, and don't touch it when its swollen, put a cool cloth on it to stop some of the irritation. <3 i have allergies i know all this stuff!

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Q: Why does your one eye swell?
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Not a black eye no. But your eyes can get red and swell up from excessive crying.

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Your eye will get glossy and red then it will swell up and burn

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I had the question about my Great Danes eyes. She has had litters in the past and I have never seen her eyes swell up. Its odd its not really in her eye just below it. Is like a pocket of liqud just below but above her bone socket. Each side equal. I was curious if any one has had this happen with a preganant dog? get it checked by the doctor

Why would one of your eyes swell up but the other one is just fine?

Swelling in one eye could be due to an allergic reaction, an infection, a blocked tear duct, or physical trauma. If only one eye is affected, it is important to consult a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Your eye can get infection and that can lead to you being blind in that eye. If your not a doctor you should go straight to your doctor and if it doesn't get better within a week you should go straight to the emergency room.

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You could bye some turtle eye droppings to help or you could take it to a vet,if it's eyes start to Swell then take it to a vet imediantly

What is the word for swell or stick out?

One such word is protrude.

What is swelling around the eye due to allergic reaction?

Only certain allergies (eg pollen) cause your eyes to swell.

Can a eye doctor tell you have diabetes?

High blood sugar caused by diabetes can cause the lens of your eye to swell, which can result in blurred vision. This may just be a symptom of a more major eye problem caused by diabetes, including glaucoma and cataracts.

What swells in biology?

There are many things that "swell" in terms of biology, one of them being the blood vessels (more specifically capillaries) which swell during inflammation.