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Your heart beats fast when you see your secret crush because he's really cute and you wanna be with him. <3 AHH! LOVE!

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because your nervous

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Q: Why does your heart beat when you see your crush?
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Your doctor thinks you are 6 weeks pregnant but cant see a heart beat yet Is there somthing wrong or is it to early?

6 week pregnant but no but cant see heart beat. what does this mean and is it to early to see ?

Can your heart skip a beat when in love?

I believe yes from experience. The girl didn't love me but I love her. When I see her, my heart does skip a beat. I wore a heart monitor one day, and when I first saw her that day my heart skipped a beat.

Can your heart really skip a beat when in love?

I believe yes from experience. The girl didn't love me but I love her. When I see her, my heart does skip a beat. I wore a heart monitor one day, and when I first saw her that day my heart skipped a beat.

What it means for weak hear beat?

When you have a week heart beat, you have some type of heart failure. You may have high blood pressure, coronary artery disease or diabetes. You should see a doctor if you have a weak heart beat.

What it means when your heart stops beating when you see your crush?

probably means you really like that person.

What is the function of your eyes?

-by: mr. ATTS to see the naked things! your eyes function everytime you see your crush because the lens create a heart that transmits message to your brain saying I LOVE this crush of mine.

Got a ultra sound done and they didnt see the fetus nor heart beat im 6wks us sHow is im wks is this to soon to see the fetus and hear the heart beat?

yea to early

Can you feel a heart beat at 8 weeks?

You will not be able to feel a heart beat, but a heart beat can be detected. Usually at around 5 weeks a heart beat can be heard.

Who does my heart beat so fast whenever you see Kai Wong?

Many of us feel that way when we see Kai Wong. It could be that you have a crush on Kai Wong, are in love with Kai Wong, are in lust with Kai Wong, or that you have an irregular heart rhythm. If the last case is true, please consult your doctor immediately as it could be a symptom of a dangerous disease that can be cured if detected early.

How do you get a crush?

You have to love someone with your heart

What does it mean when your heart skips a beat when you see a certain person?

it could mean that your in love with that person.

Are there people with no heart beat?

yes there are ppl with no heart beat and their dead