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Q: Why does your hands fall asleep all the time?
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What is narcolepy?

It is a sleep disorder. People that have it tend to feel sleepy all the time and can fall asleep during daily activities.

When doing an all nighter does it still count if you fall asleep for less than a minute?

yes it does, if you only fall asleep for a minute then its still a decent all nighter. well if you did it!

How do i tell you i love you?

Lay me down to bed... This time, YOU do all of the work! PS and dont fall asleep half way thro like last time

What is the name of the Pokemon that makes the characters fall asleep?

Jigglypuff is the name of the Pokémon in the TV show that causes all of the characters to fall asleep and then draw on them with its marker.

How did Bella fall asleep in the beginning of New Moon the book?

she just falls asleep because she is tired. we all go to bed at night.

What to do when your babysitter fell asleep?

It is not a very good thing at all to fall asleep on the job. Your babysitter may have fallen asleep on purpose but even if she didn't you never should fall asleep while taking care of a child. The child could have got hurt or got into something they knew they wearn't supposed to.

Can a baby chicken fall asleep?

all animales need sleep so the answers is yes

Do kids usually stay up all night at sleepovers?

we say we will but then we get tired and fall asleep

When did Santa Claus begin?

When all the Kids in the world fall asleep. My Myspace is "

Can someone go to sleep in ten seconds?

It's unlikely for someone to fall asleep in ten seconds, as the process of falling asleep typically takes longer. Factors such as relaxation, environment, and individual sleep patterns all influence how quickly someone can fall asleep.

What are signs of insomnia?

Inability to focus, frequent headaches, most of the time you feel irritated, You sleep much better when you are in other places. It usually takes you several hours before you can fall asleep. Disturbed sleep - you wake up after a few hours of sleep, and you have a hard time falling back to sleep. You can't fall asleep without sleeping pills. These are all signs of insomnia.

Is it true if your spouse fall asleep first they will die?

No. Well, they'll die eventually, as we all will. But they falling asleep first won't cause them to die any sooner.