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Your body always has pressure on it. If it didnt you would not be able to hold your blood inside your body, and you would die. but when you have more pressure then usual on your body, you can have your ears and eyes pushed in. that is what happens when you are on a plane. The higher up you are, the less pressure there is on your body. To keep you alive, the plane is pressurised. so you can feel the pressure on your ears. Chewing Gum helps b/c it keeps your jaw in motion, and helps push against the outside pressure. if you live high above sea level, and you travle somewhere like New Orleans (much closer to sea level) your ears can act funny until your body works out the new pressure.

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13y ago
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12y ago

This is not a scientific answer but my best guess is either you might have been deep under water and your ear is irritated by the pressure or you have been very high in an airplane and your ear is irrated by the pressure. This is a pretty common thing but keep an eye on it and if it worsens or doesn't go away, see your doctor.

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13y ago

Your ear and throat are connected by a channel called the eustation tube. Pressure changes in your throat will cause your ear to pop.

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9y ago

This is called... Swimmers Ear.

If it is RED/MANGY inside then you need to go see a doctor!

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