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When your food is not digesting it could be a number of things. One in particular, gastroparesis or delayed stomach emptying. This can be further be described as paralysis in the stomach. Your stomach is not breaking down food properly or at all so you experience abdominal pain nausea and vomiting. This condition can be mild or it can severe. With "episodes" lasting for over a week. A stay in the hospital, intravenous fluids and medications for nausea and pain is the result. One thing you can do is change your diet!! Avoid foods that are harder to digest. Things high in fiber, raw vegetables, dairy, fruit with seeds and never eat the peal or potato skins. If you eat meat chop it up fine, avoid foods high in fat or greasy. There are good meal plans out there you can look up. There are medications to help stimulate your digestion talk to your doctor. Another form of therapy if this illness for people who have no relief with diet and medication is a gastric pacemaker. This is an implant device that delivers an electric charge to region where paralysis is present to stimulate the digestive tract. I recently received one and it has worked wonders. The nausea and vomiting has been cut down 80%. I have been in and out of the hospital for 10 years getting down to 72 pounds at one point. Since i received the stimulator in September I have gained 18 pounds and feel great. Getting a diagnosis was tricky I went through several doctors and two years ago I had a test called A Gastric Emptying Study. If you feel all has failed and your sick request this test. And keep on getting tests until you find whats wrong. You deserve a better quality of life.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Second Answer:

Assuming there are no medical reasons, a healthy stomach does not *really* stop digesting. The stomach acids increase or decrease in flow based on the amount of material the stomach has in it to process. Digestion is a multi-staged process that begins with the enzymes in your mouth, continues with the acids in your stomach, and ends with either absorption of the nutrients through the intestinal walls and/or elimination from the body as waste. The periods of lowest stomach acid production would be during the times between meals when all material has emptied out of the stomach. In other words, when it doesn't have any more to do.

First Answer:

The stomach cannot digest fiber.

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15y ago

i don`t really get that question, because, unless there`s something wrong with your body, you, and every other human on this planet, should be able to digest food. Your body digests food by mixing it with saliva and disinagrating it in your stomach.

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15y ago

go to the doctor's, could be gastroenteritis or need a better diet....

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12y ago

to protect you

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11y ago

its just to much for your stomch

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Q: Why does your body not digest certain foods?
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Does body digest foods?


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Foods are digested differently for certain people. Typically, pepsin from the stomach is used to digest proteins, and amylase from the liver is used to digest carbohydrates.

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Certain foods, such as legumes, cabbage, or certain types of bran contain carbohydrates that the body cannot digest. However, bacteria in the colon can use them for food, and as they are digested by the bacteria, gas is produced.

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Certain foods, such as legumes, cabbage, or certain types of bran contain carbohydrates that the body cannot digest. However, bacteria in the colon can use them for food, and as they are digested by the bacteria, gas is produced.

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You eat for your blood type be eating certain foods that respond the best with your metabolism and digestive system. Certain blood types digest certain foods differently.

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There are some who claim that food type affects your ability to digest certain foods and change how your body reacts to those foods. According to Dr. Peter D'Adamo's Blood Type Diet, people with Type A blood will have more difficulty digesting animal proteins and fats.

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Foods high in fat and protein tend to stay in the body longer, as they take longer to digest. Examples include red meat, nuts, and whole milk products. Foods high in fiber also stay in the body longer because they are more difficult to digest.

Does your body digest foods faster when your sleeping rather then when your awake?

Food does not digest properly when your sleeping, so there for it digests faster when your awake rather then when your asleep.

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It is a friendly bacteria that is naturally found in dairy products and helps you to digest certain foods better.