I'm a 67 year old male in pretty good shape and this just started happening to me recently. Assuming one can't distinguish between a fierce itch and pain, I suspect it has something to do with changes in circulation, maybe diminished capillary circulation.
I have heard of this before, and I believe it is to do with your levels of hydration. As you sweat your body looses water. As water levels decrease the sweat becomes more concentrated in an act to save water. This means that all the salts etc in sweat are now more concentrated on your skin. To solve this (or just improve it) try drinking much more water whilst jogging. Hope this helped =)
Alex, 17.
You can itch anywhere on your body
How to get jock itch
Because your skin/body was having a reaction to the chemicals that were in the dye and that irritation from your body not being used to those chemicals or what was in the dye caused it to itch.
It is bad because your body is still waking up.
because when your hot, the molicules in your body start to rub against each other and start to give you an itch.
Deer fly bites itch because of the enzymes they release into the skin. It is a natural reaction by the body to foreign material.
Jog Jog
it cannot itch to the body but the tongue can be itchy
Girls: get pregnant Boys: Their balls start to itch
I'm going out for a short jog. Perhaps a clue will jog your memory.
run and jog run and jog run and jog run and jog
The prefix for "jog" is "re-".