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Humans and animals breathe to supply the blood with oxygen, and to deliver oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. We need to breathe so we have a constant supply of oxygen in our lungs, that can be absorbed by our body. The oxygen is used by cells for respiration, to produce energy.

We need to breath because if we don't we will die.

We need to take the oxygen in, and let the carbon dioxide out.

We need to breath because if we don't we will die.

We need to take the oxygen in, and let the carbon dioxide out.

People breathe because we need a few things to survive, like food and water, and fresh air and oxygen is one of them.

People breathe to survive. The human body has to have oxygen in order to survive so if people did not breathe, they would die.

Humans breathe for cellular respiration, meaning for us to live. Otherwise, people would die, because about all the cells in our bodies need oxygen for energy.

You have to so you can get air to your lungs to keep your heart beating and pumping blood to your body to survive.

Because if not we would die. Breathing is an involuntary action that is controlled by the primitive part of your brain. "in with the good, out with the bad."

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6y ago
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13y ago

because oxygen gives you some of the supplements that u need to live. it is needed throughout celluiar respiration system. you retrieve your air through your lungs and it is colected by the red blood cells and transferred throughout your body. at the lungs you also exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide which is what the plants need to live along with water, sunliight, and soil. in a sense plants breathe just like mammals. it is an exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between the mammals and plants. one will most likely not survive without the other.

in short terms you will die without it.

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14y ago

Because humans and other animals evolved to use it. You could breathe methane if you had evolved to breathe it. Plants use CO2 and expire oxygen as waste. Also a more direct answer is that You need oxygen to turn food into energy that your body can use.smd

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14y ago

All the animals on Earth need to breathe the oxygen in air to stay alive. The air we breathe on is Carbon Dioxide. It's because bodies use oxygen to make energy for living and growing.

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12y ago

they need air, because they need the gases in air. Animals need the oxygen in the air and plants need the carbon dioxide.

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13y ago

because without oxygen you wouldn't be able to breathe and that would kill you :P

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11y ago

Air is about 21% oxygen, and brain cells die if they are deprived of oxygen for more than a few minutes.

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its not so much the air that you need. but you do need something that is in it. oxygen is like a food for cells. the blood carys the oxygen around the body. there is also carbon dioxide (C02) in air. and that's what you breath out.but not everything, but most things.


if u mean blood then it is to get air to all parts of our body so that it will continue working.

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Because we need to,our lungs needs so does our blood needs oxygen. Let me explain to you (what i remember from bio class) There r "ballon" like things in our lungs which holds the air air and passes it to our heart and our heart passes it to our blood

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