A lump on the back of your head that is itchy may be from an inset bite. If the lump does not go away, visit a doctor.
You are in pain with the whooping cough because your parents did not get you vaccinated.
You may try gargling with salt water first and do this at least three times a day. If that doesn't work you can also try sucking on a sucker, that way your throat won't dry and become itchy and make you cough.
Have the water checked for bacteria or contamination of some sort, but my guess is that the cough is not the caused by the water. Well water is most often used in rural areas so check for allergies to various plants, trees or weeds located in your area. If you have itchy running eyes with a cough and headaches it is most likely hay fever.
youll hear a dark fuzzy voice in your head. (cough, cough, cough) "IM AM JEBUZ THE KING OF CHEESE AND TUNA" "MAKE ME A SANWICH" AND YOUR BACK WILL BE LIKE "IM FIXED AND CHEESY" im a thong. wtf???
ye nans bummmmmmm
No, because he is coughing and would cough what ever is blocking his away out eventually
pat the person on the back and let them sleep and rest !
because it points as it gets to the end making a point so as you lay on it the grass tickles your back making you itch. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Grass-is-Itchy/245121200189
people get itchy eyes because the subane in your eye are either to cold or to warm and they begin to feel itchy so yeah
The red itchy spots can be many different things. It could be some type of allergic reaction. It could also be poison ivy.