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Q: Why does your ankle bracelet keep blinking red?
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It means the device is on. I know the device is on and fully charged but the power light should be blinking green not red. Why is the power light blinking red when it should be blinking green??

What does blinking red light mean?

Blinking red light signifies alertness or danger.

What do you do a blinking red light at an intersection?

Stop. Treat the blinking red light as a stop sign.

Why does the red LED besides the cruise control button keep blinking I have a 1999 Honda Accord LX. There is a red LED in place of the moonroof button as my car doesnt have moonroof.?

i too have same problem. i noticed that when i turn on head lamp then only red LED keeps blinking.

Why is my usb sound adapter blinking red?

A blinking red light is the adapter's way of informing you of a low battery.

Why does the theft light keep coming on in a 2003 sunfire?

Some have "fake theft" lights. If the light is blinking red near the radio then it is a fake.

Why is the outlet blinking red?

The outlet is blinking red because there may be an electrical issue or overload, indicating a potential problem with the power supply.

What is the blinking red light on the dashboard of a car when it get dark?

The blinking red light in the dashboard is an indicator that your anti-theft security system is armed and working.

Why is the motion sensor red light blinking on my device?

The red light blinking on your device's motion sensor indicates that it is detecting movement or activity in its vicinity.

What is the simple subject in the red and green bracelet was a gift?

The simple subject of the sentence is: bracelet.The complete subject is: The red and green bracelet.

How do you check a battery charger?

Usually it has a lite with green red and blinking red. Green meand its good if there is no green then its blue. If its red it means it is almost out of battery. But if its blinking red then that means that it's realy close to dead.

What was that red string bracelet Michael Jackson wore?

Michael wore that red bracelet because his daughter Paris made it for him. He never took it off.