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to tell the body what to do like if we move it goes into the filter (tubes) and say that's a hot cup for example

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Q: Why does the human brain have to filter messages?
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What is the main job of the human brain?

it is to send messages to the body

Why does the brain have to filter messages?

to tell the body what to do like if we move it goes into the filter (tubes) and say that's a hot cup for example

What body tissue transmits messages throughout the human body?

I believe it would be your brain stem

How does a human nose function?

The human nose functions by detecting and processing odors in the air we breathe. The nose contains specialized cells that detect specific odors, sending signals to the brain for interpretation. The nasal passages also help filter, warm, and humidify the air before it reaches the lungs.

What are the thin fibers of the human nervous system that sends messages between different parts of the body?

i think the brain sends messages between different parts of the body.

How long does it take for your brain to send messages to your brain?

Im not sure your brain sends your brain messages. correct me if im wrong people.

Which neurons send messages to the spinal cord and brain?

Interneurons send messages from the spinal cord to the brain.

Does the heart have nerves tissues?

Yes the human heart has nerve tissues that help the brain send messages to th the heart

How does the retina send messages to your brain to tell what your seeing?

retina is connected to the nerve and the nerve sends the messages or images to the brain and the brain processes the images

What Carries messages to your brain that consists of the brain and spinal column?

Your brain stem.

How do messages get from a certain point in your body to your brain?

the brain stem also sorts though the millions of messages that the brain and the rest of the body sent back and forth.

How does the brain works with other system?

The brain is like the central control system of the body. The brain sends messages to and receives messages from other organs and systems.