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It sounds like your girlfriend has low confidence or low self-esteem. It's also possible she's suffering from depression, likely as a result of either the above.

The main problem is society itself. Women are told how they "should" look by the media, especially magazines. Women, and men too, compare themselves to the media's expectations and develop low confidence or low self esteem when they feel they don't match up to the standards the media is portraying. In fact the media is wrong, very wrong and outdated.

She may need to be complimented often. Even for the littlest things. It will take time, but eventually she will begin to see that she is loved for who she is. Compliment her hair. The clothes she wears. Her laugh. Her perfume.
Tell her how beautiful she looks, don't just say "you're beautiful". Put some work into your compliments so they are more "special" rather than just something you say often. Never use the same compliments too often so close together, or she may think you're just saying it to try and make her smile. Hold her often.

Try these examples:

  • You make me believe in soul mates
  • You give meaning to my life
  • I cannot imagine life without you in it
  • You look so cute when you laugh
  • I love the way you smell
  • You are more beautiful than the universe itself
  • Don't ever change, because you're perfect the way you are
  • I love the way you feel in my arms
  • Your eyes remind me of diamonds
  • I worship you
  • I cannot stop thinking about you and your infinite beauty
  • How did I get so lucky to have a woman as beautiful as you in my life?
  • Come on, stop being so cute!
  • I love every single part of you
  • You take my breath away
  • You have my heart, keep it safe
  • You have the most stunning smile ever
And so on. Don't just stick to your basic and repetitive "you're beautiful/pretty/cute". Compliment her from your heart, say what you really mean, not what everyone else says. Say them randomly when she leasts expects them, for example, whisper into her ear while you're waiting to pay at a shop.

You may also like to consider having a talk with her about reading less gossip and celebrity magazines. Those things are nothing more than self-esteem shatterers. Instead, try to encourage her to listen to role models like Zooey Deschanel and Jennifer Lawrence - women who teach others to embrace themselves and realise their true self.

Sometimes situations like this can be a cause of the way she was raised. She might have initially been rejected by her parents and therefore either may not understand the value of human companionship properly or is protecting herself from people getting too close in order to prevent a repeat of a past full of rejection. Or it might be possible that she was bullied as a child and/or teenager, those thoughts she has of herself might be everything the bullies have told her, which she ultimately began to believe. If either of these are the case, she could consider visiting a psychiatrist. These problems are deep-rooted and cannot be "fixed" overnight, as they would have taken years to develop.

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8y ago

Let her understand that you appreciate her, no matter the way she feels about herself. You ca do this through text message, direct talk.

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