It could be a urinary tract infection. You should see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
ok i am 13 i had the same problem wen i was 5. i wok up ut 6 am i went to the toilite and it hurt and no pee wus there so my mom thot i did not clean my penis so i did and nothing i hurt so i went to the doctor an d i had a bladder Inchon. i say go to the doctor
my penis hurt earlier today when i peed and i dont have any kind of medical problems down there. so it could be something else
my stomach hurts when i pee and i pee every 30 mins
dont pee... or go to a doctor..g0 straight to the doctor.
whatever it hurts :)
More probable gonorrhea.
Cause Aamir said so
WHAT KIND OF A QUESTION IS THAT!?!? p.s. pee. it hurts less when you push hard! XD
hard to pee and hurts also
Yes it is
Urinary tract infection. Go see you GP.
Depending upon more details you are likely to have urinary tract infection or bladder stone.
kinda. its unsanitary........... but if you really have to go and it hurts, then pee in the bath. pee under the water, that's best, don't stand above it or anything, squat.
If you're female and it hurts to urinate, you may have a bladder infection. Drink cranberry juice regularly, and see your doctor tomorrow.