Your heart stops when you sneeze, so mabie your nerves were interrupted.
Can gas cause your arms to hurt?
It's much better to let yourself sneeze. You sneeze because there's something inside your nose that isn't supposed to be there. When you sneeze, the air blasts out whatever was bothering your nose. Also, the pressure from holding in a sneeze could hurt your ears.
there are veins in the topper half of your ear but it doesn't hurt if you cut it
Since a normal humans' veins contain no nerve endings, if your veins hurt you are a peculiar medical specimen. (Blood tests hurt due to the needle penetrating the skin, which contains nerve cells, rather than the vein, which does not.)
Talikka anniaraakka.
The male genitals are easily hurt because they are outside of the male body. They might also hurt because of a cyst or even because of varicose veins.
because it is trying to get all the bacteria out of your body that or you have chest problems and you should proble go see a doctor for it
Yes, it is possible to sneeze without blinking, although blinking during a sneeze is a natural reflex for many people. The sensation of a sneeze and a blink are controlled by different reflex arcs in the body.
Your arms hurt because you use arm muscles. When you use a muscle, after a while it starts hurting. For example, after a long walk, your leg muscles hurt.