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Gold will typically turn black when mixed with a different type of alloy. Bleach and chlorine can turn yellow gold black if it comes in contact with the gold.

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9y ago
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9y ago

If the ring is pure gold, the black is an indication of an allergy. If the ring is gold plated it is an indication of a reaction to the base metal employed, usually copper.

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11y ago

The make-up you are using either has lead in it (illegal and unlikely) or oxidizes from contact with gold due to the chemical make-up. Lipstick will react as well.

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Q: Why does gold turn finger black?
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Why does my gold ring turn my finger black?

it is not gold, it could be gold plated or brass

Why does your gold ring turn black then back to gold in a few days?

gold ring does not turn black

Why does gold ring turn finger black?

I have found that, any time gold turns my skin black/dark green, I am low in iron. I take one iron pill and the black/dark green goes away, until I become low again.

Why would a gold ring only turn a finger black when worn at work?

My rings turn my skin black when I use a particular soap or hand sanitizer at work. When I use the soap at home, it doesn't cause a problem.

Your gold ring is turning your finger black why?


Does gold turn black?

Not naturally it can't turn black.

Your gold ring is turning your finger black could you be pregnant?

no , but if it turns your finger purple you have AIDS

Can gold turn black?


Why does a gold ring make your finger turn green?

Gold does not do that but copper does. Brass looks like gold and also makes the finger dark green. If that ring was given to you as a gold ring you got conned! there is alot of acid in your body when your finger turns green from your ring!

Does real gold turn black when you burn it?

No, real gold does not turn black when you burn it. When heated, gold will retain its color and may become softer or deform, but it will not change color like other metals that oxidize when burned.

If a jewelry is 14k will it turn black?

NO. Silver will tarnish and turn black, though. Silver will but Gold shouldn't wrong answer: Gold can turn dark grey/ black also (if you don't know / don't answer)

Will gold overlay turn your finger green?

Jewelry with a gold overlay can possibly turn your skin green. This is determined by if you have a skin allergy to the metal under the overlay.