

Best Answer

First, food goes to your digestive system, not anywhere else.

Second, fat forms in several places, your thighs is only one place. Where it forms is a matter of individual genetics. Look to your other, older family members. Therein lies your answer.

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Q: Why does food go to your thighs instead of your stomach?
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Do all people around the world process food the same?

no all people don't process food the same because some people have a high metabolism that keep them skinny but other people when they eat it could go strait to there thighs OR stomach

Where does food go after being swallowed?

The Stomach

Is there a type of food to eat that goes straight to the thighs?

There are many things you can eat that will go to the thighs. Eating sugars and starches will make you gain weight.

Where do food go after it leave the stomach?


Where does food go after you eat?

into ur stomach

Where does your food go to after your stomach?

small intestine

Can a person live with out the stomach?

No!You cant because if you did not have a stomach where would the food go? You couldn't just poop out solid food!

Where does food go when it goes don the esophagus?

In to stomach

Where does your food go after traveling to the stomach?

small intestine

Where does food go when it leaves the stomach?

large itestine

Were does the food go after the esoughagus?

After the food leaves the stomach it goes into the intestines.

How long does the food stay in your liver?

Food does not go to your liver, food only goes to your stomach and intestines.