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why in Miami is tanning in the sun dangerous

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Q: Why does child never tan or sunburn in the sun?
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What is the meaning of Sunburn?

To burn or discolor by the sun; to tan., The burning or discoloration produced on the skin by the heat of the sun; tan.

How do you get your energy from the sun?

the suns rays come down and you get a nice tan or sunburn.

When you get a really bad sunburn is there a way to not peel and keep the tan?

No, sunburn is a burn. It kills the surface layer of skin and this will peel off. However, gentle, short and prolonged exposure to the sun (never getting burned in the process) will cause melanin to appear in your skin. This sort of tan is not caused by a burn and is a semi permanent change in your skin (provided exposure to sun is kept up) and this will not peel off. HOWEVER please remember that exposure to the sun (UV rays) is harmful to the skin and can cause skin cancers later in life - bad sunburn is especially dangerous for this!

If your sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun but the sun don't come how can you get a tan?

According to the song's lyrics, from standing in the English rain.Ultraviolet rays from the sun are not completely stopped by clouds; it is actually possible to tan, or even sunburn, on a cloudy day.

When you get sunburn do you get more pale?

No. When the sunburn heals, you should have a tan complection

What is one thing an eskimo child can do that you can not?

Get a sun tan

Could Michael Jackson tan or even sunburn?

He was allergic to the sun, and tanning wouldn't solve anything. He had no pigmentation, you can't tan skin that doesn't have any pigment for it to darken.

What is the difference between sunburn and tan skin?

Sun burn is when your skin turns bright red in colour. Skin tan is when your skin turns olive or dark brown/brown.

Why is your tan always red?

That is not a tan . . . it is sunburn. Use sunburn cream or lotion on your exposed skin to keep you from getting burned and red.

What color is the color ginger tan?

A ginger tan is a sunburn with freckles.

What is an Irish tan?

"Irish tan" is simply a slang term for a sunburn.

What are the effects of to much sun exposure?

Sunburn, prematurely aged skin, skin cancer, and a nice brown tan (if you are light skinned).