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Q: Why does blood not clotting properly increase risk of getting infections?
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What are the causes of bladder infection?

Causes of bladder infections include E. Coli bacteria, frequent sex, certain spermicides increase the chances of getting one, and using catheters that aren't properly sterilized.

Does ultram tramadol influence blood clotting?

No, tramadol does not influence blood clotting. Depending on the type of surgery that a person is getting, it has been permitted to take tramadol the morning of an operation which demonstrates that it does not have an effect on the clotting mechanism.

Does smoking effect blood clotting or make it more difficult for the blood to clot?

Yes, smoking affects blood clotting by making the blood more likely to clot. It increases the risk of getting a deep vein thrombosis. Smoking increases fibrinogen in the blood and also increase the levels of factor X111 which stabilizes the clot.

What juice to drink to increase libido?

any, as long as its getting you drunk. just do not get too drunk because you wil not be able to function properly.

Is trichomoniasis good or bad?

Trichomoniasis on its own is annoying, but not serious. It can increase the risk of getting other infections like HIV, though.

Can bisexual women get urinary tract infections easily?

The ease of getting urinary tract infections has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Does getting denied credit increase your credit score?

No, getting denied credit does not increase your credit score.

Is it bad to rub your eyes with contacts on?

Yes, it is not recommended to rub your eyes while wearing contacts as it can increase the risk of dislodging the lenses or getting debris trapped under them. This can cause discomfort, infections, or even damage to your eyes and contacts. If you experience irritation, it is best to remove your contacts properly and avoid rubbing your eyes.

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The pitch would increase, getting higher.

Can a diebetic sately get a tattoo?

Can a diabetic safely get a tattoo with out getting infections

Can drinking increase your chances of getting pregnant?

It depends on how intoxicated you are. When you're drunk you mind may not function properly, and you might end up having unprotected sex! So be careful when you're plastered!