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Anorexia does not always affect women. About 10% of anorexics are male. Anorexia - and most other eating disorders - are more common in women for a few reasons. Women naturally are more social, and thus focus on social pressures more then men. When social pressures demand thin-ness, women are more likely to develop eating disorders. A woman also experiences more changes in her body (pregnancy, for example) that can fuel body dislike and eating disorders. Women also tend to be more critical of each other than men are to each other. This harshness or bullying can lead to low self esteem and eating disorders, too.

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How does anorexia affect males?

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anorexia and bulimia

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Anorexia can affect anyone, but most commonly is seen in girls and young women in middle- and upper-class families.

Does Anorexia nervosa affect women?

Over 90% of patients diagnosed with the disorder as of 1998 are female

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Anorexia can (and does) affect all systems and parts of the body.

Which one of these eating disorders is more likly to affect men than women?

While an eating disorder can affect either gender equally, more women tend to suffer from anorexia and bulimia while more men tend to suffer from muscle dysmorphia, protein abuse, and anorexia athletica.

Which of there eating disorders is more likely to affect men than women?

of course is anorexia don't try it is bad for you

Which of the following disorders is more common among men than women?

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Who are more prevalant men or women anorexia?

Anorexia affrects women to men in a ratio of about 9 to 1.

How often is anorexia?

Anorexia is estimated to affect 1 in every 250 people.

Which on of these eating disorders is more likely to affect men than women?

Muscle dysmorphia and anorexia athletica, and orthorexia affects men and women roughly equally.