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Alcohol is a small, simple molecule that more easily passes from the digestive tract into the capillaries.

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Because it is a liquid, it can be absobed through the blood cell walls without going through the total digestive process.

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Alcohol (drinking alcohol) rapidly affects the cell membrane. It is soluble in fat and so rapidly passes into the cells causing effects.

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Why does alcohol absorb very quickly by blood?

Alcohol (drinking alcohol) rapidly affects the cell membrane. It is soluble in fat and so rapidly passes into the cells causing effects.

Will rubbing hand sanitizer all the way up your arm several times raise your alcohol blood level?

No - the alcohol in hand sanitizer is very weak - just enough to make the fluid evaporate quickly after use. The alcohol would evaporate much quicker than your body could ever absorb it into your skin.

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Yes, alcohol does absorb water from the air, it's very hygroscopic - anhydrous copper suphate (for example) may be used to remove water from it.

Why would eating a fatty protein rich snack while drinking alcohol decrease the amount of alcohol absorbed into the blood?

If your stomach only has alcohol in it, the alcohol will very quickly go into your blood system. With greasy foods, the concentration of alcohol in your stomach is going to be no where near as high. I hope I helped :)

BAC go down if you vomit?

No it does not, you will have stopped any alcohol in your stomach from getting into your blood but it will not have been much. Most likely just their last drink, alcohol is absorbed from the stomach into the bloodsteam very quickly.

How fast can flowers absorb water?

mark says very quickly he is very reliable so i would trust this answer if i were you

What is hair porosity?

Porous hair absorbs hair chemicals very quickly and can become over process and damaged quickly. On thecontrary, hair that is not very porous does not absorb chemicals very quickly and can be difficult to perm or colour.

What is porosity of hair?

Porous hair absorbs hair chemicals very quickly and can become over process and damaged quickly. On thecontrary, hair that is not very porous does not absorb chemicals very quickly and can be difficult to perm or colour.

Can one absorb knowledge quickly?

If you mean when a baby, no not very likely, but one can learn fast

What chemicals in alcohol make you drunk?

Alcohol, or ethanol, is the primary chemical in alcoholic beverages that makes you feel drunk. When consumed, ethanol affects the central nervous system, leading to alterations in brain function and behavior. The concentration of alcohol in the blood, known as blood alcohol concentration (BAC), determines the extent of intoxication.

Can you put wine in your anus?

I wouldn't recommend it. First of all, you can't appreciate the taste or the bouquet of the wine that way. More importantly, the rectal membranes will rapidly absorb the alcohol, and you can get VERY drunk, VERY quickly. Even fatally drunk, without realizing it. Finally, it would burn like hell. Seriously, a BAD idea.

How bad is a Blood alcohol of 0.311?

That is extremely high and very serious.