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The color is the blood from broken blood vessels that have ruptured in the impact area

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Q: Why does a bruise discolor the skin?
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Does chalk discolor your skin?

Not permanently.

Can skin tan under a bruise?

no, but it can tan over because, a bruise is under the skin.

Is a contusion is a bruise or hemorrhage with a break in the skin?

A contusion is a bruise or hemorrhage without a break in the skin.

What is a sentence for discolor?

actually, its how do you use discolor in a sentence but i will answer it anyway. his skin was discolored (I DONT KNOW!)

Is silver salts discolor the skin by reacting with skin protein a chemical properties?

It is not a property, it is a chemical reaction.

Can you get a bruise in the armpit?

Yes, you can really get a bruise anywhere you have skin. Some areas are less likely to bruise than others, but anywhere is possible.

Will a bruise discolor urine?

No, a bruise, or what is called a contusion, usually appears on the skin. It occurs after a force that was strong enough to break small blood vessels. However, if you were in a traffic accident and bruised the bladder, that could change urine color.There are many causes for urine changes, from insignificant to very significant. Visit your doctor so they can get a urine sample. You could just have a urinary infection.

Why do I have a red bruise with a scab?

It really depends on how you received the injury; however a bruise in the result of an insult to the skin. If the skin becomes abraded during the injury this would cause the scab to form. It is possible to have a bit of a scab from a bruise without noticing an abrasion to the skin and this has to do the the skin being porous and blood collecting near the surface.

I had a bruise and now a lump under skin of calf what could it be?

It is probably because you have hit your bruise and formed a lump there.

What is a slight injury to the flesh under the skin which has changed colour?

That's called a bruise - or the medical term is a contusion.

Do frogs skin bruise?

Yes, frogs do get visible bruises.

What is the collection of blood beneath the skin called?

A bruise - or contusion.