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This particular strain of influenza is especially easily transmitted from human to human. All it would have required was that one person who had the flu entered the country and it began spreading from there. Since international travel is so common now, there was little that could be done to prevent the world wide spread into a pandemic.

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15y ago

According to Wikipedia, 1272 people have got the Swine Flu in NZ with 5 deaths.

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Q: Why does New Zealand have the Swine Flu?
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Does New Zealand have swine flu too?

Yes the entire world has been affected by it

How many people have swine flu in New Zealand?

As of July 6, 2009, there were 1059 confirmed cases and 3 deaths.

What is swine flu?

Swine Flu is a new strain of flu that originates from pigs and can travel to Humans. It started in Mexico

What types of flu create the Swine Flu?

A mixture of the standard Human Flu, Bird Flu and Pig Flu. This creates a new strain of flu called swine flu (Influenza A H1 N1).

How many Swine Flu cases have been reported in New Zealand?

As of April 27 2009 3 cases have been reported (from a total of 11 people returning from a trip to Mexico) Click on the link below for the latest updates on swine flu from the CDC:

Why is knowing about the Swine Flu important?

Knowing about the swine flu is important because it is a new strain of flu, resistant to most medications. Although the death toll is the same of the normal flu, it needed a new vaccine.

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How many cases of swine flu are in New Zealand?

As of 1/12/10 the number of cumulative reported cases in New Zealand is 3198 and the number of deaths reported to have been due to A-H1N1/09 infections is 22.

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

What are the different types of bird flu?

Swine Flu

What color is the Swine Flu?

The swine flu is PURPLE. :]

Who first had Swine Flu?

It was a swine that got swine flu first.See the related question below for information about the first person with swine flu.