The most likely cause of stool that smells like mothballs are intestinal parasites. It is best to see a doctor to determine a course of treatment.
your mom's sloppy vajayjay
your mom's sloppy vajayjay
ive never done china, so dont know what that smells like... but black tar should smell like vinegar.
Warm, oily and strong smell
Dip an ear of corn in roofing tar and place it in the animals' tunnel. They do not like the smell of tar one bit. You can get the tar at a roofing supply store.
Black tar-like skat is not associated with any species of animal in particular. Typically, tar-like stools indicate some form of injury or illness that is causing internal bleeding.
Dogs like disgusting smells, and it probably likes that smell. take it away from the poo.
when caca comes out of your butt it becomes smelly because of the oxygen. If you have brise R you can make it smell different, like chicken. For examole if you eat candy caca will smell to your you cat. If you don't believe it look for it in www.caca/smelly/