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Q: Why do your feet hurt when you walk or after you sit for a while?
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some times when I walk or sit or get up to fast I have pain on the right side of my back in the middle. I thought it might be my kidney but it doesnt hurt all the time only when I walk or if im lying down it hurts and when I sit down.

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walk and stalk, you might not be doing much but at least you are doing something. But make sure they know who you are so they won't get hurt

How can I hurt my feet?

1: Get athlete's foot. 2: Chew on your toes. 3: Sit in an awkward way. 4: Stand on needles. 5: Let someone stand on your feet.

If float is to swim then what is to walk?

sit is to walk

What not to do when bones broken?

When you got a hurt bone. Don't just sit and cry, yell for a parent or guardian. Then they will take you to the hospital. Try not to walk on it. Because that happened to me.

Sentence with recumbent?

Recumbent means resting or leaning horizontally. An example sentence would be: When her feet hurt it helps to sit in a recumbent chair.

Why do your feet keep falling asleep?

Sounds like a problem with circulation. You need to move around more to keep your blood moving. If you sit too long or sit on your feet, they "fall asleep." Move them more often, get up, walk around, and your feet will not fall asleep so much.

Which safety rule should you respect while mounting your horse?

Never jump on or thud when you sit down. It will hurt their back!

Why nurse doesn't sit next to the angry patient?

So the nurse don't get hurt while the patient chucks on the angry act.

Why does my right shoulder hurt when I stand or sit?

You may have arthritisANSWER:Try standing on your legs and sitting for a while and give your right shoulder a break.

Do you like feet?

I think most people would say they like feet because feet allow humans the ability to stand and to walk. If humans had no feet, they would have to constantly sit or to crawl on all fours. The structure of the ankle in humans, and the way a foot flexes, allows us to place the toes down first--which is vital to the physical ability to walk.

Can a newborn baby walk?

No, they cannot walk, or sit up by themselves.