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Q: Why do you think people today may defend the actions of Columbus and therefore defer to the main loss of life as a result of disease?
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How can vaccine stop a person from catching a disease?

A vaccine can stop a person from catching a disease because when you have a vaccination, it injects dead cells of that disease and therefore you body has made antibodies to defend yourself if you do catch it. it does not stop you from catching it 100% because you could still catch it but there is little chance of it harming you or harming you as much. x

How do you defend ordinance violations?

Simple. Explain to the court why you thought your actions were lawful and not in violation.

If you were John Adams and you have been asked to defend the soldiers of the Boston massacre would you do it and why?

Yes, John Adams was a student of the Enlightenment and therefore agreed with Voltaire's saying "I may not agree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (that isn't the exact quote, but you hopefully get the idea). Extend this belief unto actions, and what we have here is John Adams.

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Balanced nutrition along with good living physical and psychological conditions and active and ifnecessarypassive immunization according to schedule help the body defend against disease.

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the right to receive protection from state government and the right to sue and defend actions in court.

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It means he is choosing who'll he'll defend, stand up for, or support in their actions or words.

What ability of the body to defend itself against disease and other harmful substances?

It is the body's immune system.

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Tigers have sharp claws, and powerful jaws. They also have a very good ability to sneak around without being noticed. Therefore, they can defend well

What id the difference between an excuse and a reason?

To give and excuse is to give an expanation to defend or lesson blame for ones actions. To give a reason is to simply state a basis or cause for ones actions.

What implications for disease and disability when homeostasis is not maintained?

The implications for disease and disability when homeostasis is not maintained can be quite severe. One is that the body will shut down because it has no way to defend itself.