You can find out why people snore online from the Why People Snore website. Once on the website, you can find out why people snore and how to treat it.
There is no definitive evidence to suggest that girls snore more than boys. Snoring can occur in individuals of any gender and is influenced by various factors such as age, weight, and anatomy of the airway.
you snore.
Maybe, but maybe not. My adenoids were removed, but I still snore.
Men have more vibrant vocal cords than women do. Though some women do snore more than men. Another reasoning for why men snore more than women is that men have deeper and heavier vocal cords, so they may be snoring just as much as women, but more deeply. I hope this answers your question.
... Snore... Snore
Yes a cheetah does snore!
door snore floor more core roar
Snore is the sound made while sleeping. Some people snore as they cannot control it.
Yes. I always snore.
A Snore can be as loud as 69 decibles
no, only living things with noses snore.