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its normal. it depends on the lighting in a room like if it is dim u will see a trail

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Q: Why do you see trails in your vision?
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I can see three trails: one in the middle, one on each side.

Is field vision a persons outermost vision?

Field vision refers to the full extent of what a person can see without moving their eyes. It includes both central vision (what you see directly in front of you) and peripheral vision (what you can see out of the corners of your eyes). It is not the same as your outermost vision, which could refer to what is at the edges of your peripheral vision.

Can Vision Be Unreal?

Vision is always real, expect when blind, but your vision can deceive you. It can trick you. You can see something that's not really there. Or you can't see something that really is there.

What does it mean when you see lines in your vision?

seeing lines and dots in your vision

What vision do you see on the side?

Peripheral vision (the part of vision that occurs outside the very center of gaze).

What is vision?

Visioneering... To 'create the vision, engineering the result of that vision'

What is the peripheral vision of a snail?

The peripheral vision allows snails to see from behind.

What is the misson and vision of Unilever?

See the link below for Unilever's vision statement.

What is the Zulu word for vision?

The Zulu word for vision is "isibonelo".

What is 2010 vision?

20/10 vision refers to vision better than 20/20. A person having 20/10 vision would be able to see something at 20 feet that a person with 20/20 vision would see at 10 feet.