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it is to help let as much light into your eyes as possible so you can see the best you can. this is why our pupils enlarge in the dark

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Q: Why do you open your eyes wide when you enter a dark room?
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Why cant you see any objects in a dark room?

You can't see objects in a dark room because there is not enough light for your eyes to detect the details and colors of the objects. Your eyes need light to reflect off the objects and enter your eyes for you to see them clearly.

Why can you see better after being in a dark room for a few minutes than when you first enter?

cause your eyes have to adjust

Why do you eyes have to adjust to the light when you walk into a dark room?

Because the lens has been focused depending on the available light. if you enter a darker room, your eyes have to re-adjust to allow more light through them.

When you first enter a dark room from a well lit area it is difficult to see but after a few moments you can see more clearly describe the process that has occurred to let your eyes become accustomed?

When entering a dark room from a well-lit area, the pupils of your eyes dilate to allow more light to enter. This happens gradually, and it takes a few moments for the rods in your eyes to become more sensitive to the low light conditions, allowing you to see more clearly in the dark.

What can you see in a completely dark room?

If there is no light you can not see. There is only blackness. This is quite disconcerting. If you put your hand in front of your eyes you can not see it. If the room is dark ie no light then you can not see.

Can you see yourself in the mirror in a completely dark room?

Yes, you can see yourself in a mirror in a completely dark room if your eyes have adjusted to the light yet.

Computer in dark room bad for your eyes?

Very bad indeed homie

What will happen when you enter a dark room after you've been in a bright room and what causes this?

When you enter a dark room after being in a bright room, your eyes will take some time to adjust to the lower light levels. This is due to the pupil size adjusting to let in more light in the dark room, and the photoreceptor cells in the retina needing time to become more sensitive to low light conditions.

Where does the light go in a dark room?

Light in a dark room gets absorbed by the surfaces in the room or scattered by particles in the air, eventually dissipating as heat. If no light sources are present, the room remains dark as there is no light to reflect off objects and be detected by our eyes.

What happens to your pupil when you enter a bright room after being in a dark room?

Your pupil expands in the dark in order to obtain more light. Your eyesight is interpreted by the brain with light signals, when it is dark your pupil expands to grab as much light as possible.

What song by Connie has the words blinded eyes?

The song that had got these words in it is. Dark room

Are kids eyes harmed by a semi dark room?

i do think that they are but i am not 100% sure though.