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If you are keeping a person alive by administering CPR, obviously that person might die if you stop too soon in order to take a break, however, there is a way around this problem, which is to get someone to help you, so that you can each take a break while the other person takes over, until the ambulance arrives.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In all reality, you do not *have* to break a bone. It is something that happens often but it is not a requirement, nor should it be a goal. The key things to remember about chest compressions are that they are 'quality' compressions. Some tips to help you do that are:

- Perform chest compressions at 100 beats per minute.

- Allow for proper chest recoil between compressions. This allows the heart chambers to refill with blood before you push down again. What this means is at the end of each compressions, make sure you let the chest come all the way back to it's original shape before you press down again.

- When you push down make sure you are pushing 1"- 1 1/2" down. Less is not as effective. More can do a lot of damage and increase the chance of breaking a bone.

- Consider thinking of or humming the song "Stayin alive" while doing CPR and do compressions to the beat of the song. That song is exactly 100 beats per minute. It's not weird, it works!

People go into cardiac arrest for a reason, and their prognosis is never good. Compressions are the best thing you can do for someone who who goes into cardiac arrest. With good quality compressions- good speed, good depth, good rest time in between- you can rest assured you definitely made a difference, regardless of the outcome!

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Q: Why do you have to break a bone during CPR?
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What is the name of the bone you try not to break during CPR?

The bone that you try not to break is the xiphoid process.

When you landmark during CPR compressions what bone are you trying not to break from the sternum?

You are trying not to break the xiphoid process bone.

During CPR which bone can be broken in the sternum area?

The bone that may break is the xiphoid process.

What bone does cpr break?

CPR doesn't have to break any bones.But heart compressions have to be done with some force, and might crack a rib or two.

What is the name of the bone you compress in CPR?

The bone you compress in CPR is called the sternum, which is located in the center of the chest. Compressing the sternum helps to manually pump blood through the body during CPR, providing vital circulation to the brain and other organs.

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No! If they find a need to break your ribs, they are way beyond CPR.

Which ribs normally break during CPR?

Yes it's very possible and quite common because compressing the chest is an unnatural movement. If a rib or two break, please do not stop CPR as this is an injury that can be repaired later, your priority is giving the patient a chance at survival.

What bone breaks if you do the heimlich manuver wrong?

If I remember back to my first aid training you could break the ribs, you are more likely to bruise them. But if you give chest compressions during CPR you have to break the ribs by applying a lot of pressure. lfoster23's response-- thankyouu :) but i think it;s something like the hyoid bone but i wanted to make sure could that be correct?

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During CPR the lungs and heart are stimulated.

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Giving CPR can be damaging. Ideally the heart is not meant to be "massaged" through the rib cage. There is a chance that you will break ribs during CPR. However, you must keep in mind that if you need to do CPR, the person is dead. ANYTHING you do can possibly help. Even though you may break a rib or two, it's better than watching someone die.

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During CPR the heart and lungs are stimulated.

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Cells that break down bone tissue are called osteoclasts. They are specialized cells responsible for resorption of bone tissue during bone remodeling and repair processes.