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Mucus in the stools before a period could signal a condition such as irritable bowel syndrome. It may also be hormone related.

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Q: Why do you have mucus stools the day before your period?
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How long before your period do you get mucus?

The snot like mucus is called the cervical mucus. If a woman has a 28 day cycle, then her period will normal start 14 days after the cervical mucus appears.

Why do you mess in your pants the day before your period?

That's a mucus discharge from your body as it prepares to cleanse itself, it occurs in almost all women at that time.

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Should I check with my G.P AS I have had bright yellow leakage from my back passage and some of the times during the day accompanied by mucus?

Does it mean anything if I have alot as in it looked like I wet myself of watery mucus I had a one day period about a week before and have been having sex every week.?

you could be pregnant.

How do you relate the clear sticky mucus on the day you were to expect your menstrual flow?

Well if you are getting that instead of your period you might be pregnant. When you are pregnant that's about all you get is mucus. You will not bleed for nine months.

I'm eleven I've been having discharges every day will I have my period soon?

White discharge commonly occurs three to five days before the start of your period. This happens because hormonal changes can increase the mucus produced by your vagina, so maybe??

Can you get pregnant day before your period and srill have tour period?

No. And no.

How likely is it for someone 2 get pregnant if she takes Primolut N to bring her period and have sex 2 days before her period the day before and the first day of her period?

you might... probably not

Is a sour food or drink a day before your period will delay your period from coming out?

No this will not delay your period.

Can your period be late if you have protected sex a day before your period?

Your period can always be late whether you have sex or not. You are not likely to be fertile on the day before your period, and the fact that you used protection gives you even less reason to worry.

Whats the earliest you can tell if you are pregnant?

I found out 6 days before my missed period with a 5 day sooner pregnancy test. I would wait atleast until the 6th or 5th day before your missed period. Or with a normal test they day before or of your missed period. :)

Does the nose produce mucus?

Yes. The mucous tissues lining the inside of the nose produces a thick, sticky substance called mucus. The mucus keeps the tissues below moist and prevents them from drying and cracking up. It traps dirt and germs before they get into the body system. Mucus recognizes bacteria and viruses and has enzymes that kill them.