a) Because it is dry and irritated
b) Because there are substances that cause itchiness, such as histamines, which are released in Allergies.
c) Sometimes because your bilirubin, or your blood urea nitrogen concentration, is high
Itchy from Itchy & Scratchy in the Simpsons is a cartoon mouse.
Angels don't get itchy.
Very itchy!
Yes, chickenpox is very itchy.
Itchy & Scratchy
their itchy because of sex and sucking dicks
why are my breast sore and itchy
my throat is itchy what does it mean as in a superstition ?
if you are itchy you fell it so yeah
you can get it by going to any shop in shadow of the wind village for 3500 gold and if you give the itchy itchy paradise to thython you can unlock the ninja armour
itchy from "itchy and skratchy"