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Q: Why do you get constipated when pregnant?
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Related questions

What does a pregnant woman do when shes constipated?

Drink cup of water or jusst us ducolax

Can not going to the bathroom mean your pregnant?

No getting constipated has no sign of pregnancy in any way.

Can you be showing and not pregnant?

Well you wouldn't be showing because you are pregnant, obviously. But the female may be constipated or bloated, or just have weight gain that may cause her to appear pregnant.

Are blurberriers good in pregnancy?

I assume you mean Blueberries and they are very nutritious but they can also make you constipated so eat with care since getting constipated when pregnant is not uncommon even without Blueberries.

Are you pregnant if you've tried for 3 weeks and have dizziness and discharge and pee a lot and are slightly constipated and have cravings for chicken and chocolate and hate cigarette smoke?

Yes it is possible you are pregnant.

What to eat when constipated and pregnant?

As far as treating the constipation it's no different than if your not pregnant, eat lots of fiber drink lots of water avoid folic acid etc.

Why do pregnant women become constipated?

It's the hormones. You get the same effect when you are getting your period or prior to it. Diarrhea is also an effect.

What do you do for a constipated goat?

You make it un-constipated.

Gassy constipated and cramping could you be pregnant?

If you've had unprotected sex or have had a birth control failure there is always a possibility of pregnancy. If you feel that you may be pregnant you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr.

Can a baby get constipated if a women on her period hold the baby?

No. They are two nonrelated physiological processes. No chemical transfer is possible. women cannot be on their period when pregnant

What does it mean when your pregnant and it hurts to make a bowelmovement?

You are probably constipated. You should add more fiber to your diet and if it's still a problem tell your Dr.

What is constipation in pregnancy?

Constipation is the same as it always is - having difficulties pooping, and very hard poop. Some women get constipated during pregnancy, some don't. Some people get it w/o being pregnant. Even men can get constipated.