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Q: Why do teeth hurt when you bite foil?
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What does Bite means?

bite means that you really hurt someone with your teeth

Do tree snakes bite?

In very rare cases,only if you hurt them they might bite even then it does not hurt because their teeth are so small.

Why do your teeth hurt when you bite foil?

When you bite aluminum foil, the combination of silver amalgam fillings, saliva loaded with electrolytes, and the aluminum creates a small electrical charge, not unlike the charge you would feel if you were to put your tongue on both terminals of a 9-volt battery. The difference is that this charge is much closer to the nerve of the tooth, which is stimulated and can only signal pain.

Is rat bites dangerous in the Philippines?

It will hurt because bite's hurt especially from rats because they have big nom nom teeth OF DEATH

Can someone bite their teeth?

no someone can't bite their teeth

Do dogs get hurt in a dog fight?

Yes, they have teeth and they bite each other. Dog fights and dog fighting is cruel.

Why does it hurt when you chew on aluminum foil when you have fillings?

I've ALWAYS wondered the SAME thing! I finally did some research and discovered that, The pain you feel when you bite into aluminum foil is, A electrical charge. When you bite into it, The "charge" shoots up through your filling, Into the tooth nerve; Which sends signals to your brain to cause pain.

Do bunny's teeth hurt when they grow?

yes they should chew on wood No, they do not hurt. Yes, they should have something to chew on (food is adequate) to keep the teeth worn down. A rabbit's teeth grow constantly. Proper bite and food to eat will keep them worn down properly.

Do teeth have skin?

No, teeth do not have skin. Teeth are composed of enamel, dentin, and pulp, which are specialized tissues that make up the structure of a tooth. Skin is a different type of tissue that covers and protects the outer surface of the body.

Why do you bite teeth?

to help bite

Can sturgeon bite?

Sturgeon have no teeth and would not intentionally bite a person. They have a vacuum mouth that extends and retracts from within their head. If you offer them food in your hand they may suck up your hand into their mouth but it wont hurt you, scare the c*** out of you but not hurt you.

Dose it hurt when a Maltese dog bite?

They have teeth so yes, they can bite. I think what you want to know is how often they bite. Just like any dog, it is ask about how you raise them. I have has mine for twelve years and he has never bit anyone.