

Best Answer
  • School
  • Family Issues
  • Relationships
  • Pressure to be Perfect
  • Assumptions of People Thinking They are About to Steal Your Things
  • "Fitting In"
  • Weight
  • Sports
  • Saying the Right Things
  • Hormones
  • Sexual Urges
  • Drugs/Alochol
  • Annoying Girls
  • What You're Future is Going to be Like.
  • College
  • Social Life
  • Depression
  • Facebook
  • Stalkers
  • Wearing the Right Things
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13y ago
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13y ago

Biologically, it indeed has something to do with hormones, but as far as it goes in the psychological field or in my case what i learned from development class, this state of being a teenager is the time where the person is in search of his/her identity. I learned of 4 different ideas that the teens are probably having at this age.

- Adolescent egocentrism - idea that adolescents are very self absorbed and they are the center of the world

- Imaginary audience = they feel like they are always being watched and the spotlights on them so they have to always be at their best, the need to look tough or flawless for some, or they act out when they don't get what they want or they get acne, etc.

- Personal Fable - Concept that things that are happening in their lives are unique. Basically this is the reason why people tend to say to friends or others this statement "You don't know what's it like" or"you can never understand me" may it be from break ups, grieving, problems, etc

- Illusion of invulnerability - Idea that misfortune only happens to others. Basically they think they can do anything dangerous and get out unscathed or do something bad to others because they think they can get away with it.

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11y ago

The adolescent feels the need for independence from its parents and parental authority. One manifestation of this is being contrary. This entails resisting orders, demeaning observations and generally trying to establish that one is one's own person by defining others as "uncool" (or whatever the current put-down is).

As for corrective actions, there are just two: exhausting repression and time. As the woman said when she gave the beggar a prune, "This too shall pass."

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15y ago

because they think they know better and when someone else can't do what they want, they get frustrated.

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Q: Why do teens have bad attitude?
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What is a negative attitude?

A negative attitude is a bad attitude. You see everything negative.

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It is not difficult to recognize a bad attitude. A person with a bad attitude will usually act inappropriately to the people around them. They may yell, be disrepectful or gossip about others.

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Gambling affects teens' attitude because it can cause addictions; the desire to continually go back to see if they can win. It is the thrill of the risk. It causes teens - as well as a person of any age - to seek a certain "chance" that they might not have otherwise been turned on to.

How do you use the word attitude in a sentence?

She has a good attitude. His parents were concerned about his bad attitude.

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Your attitude exudes bad vibes... OR Your attitude divulges bad vibes...

What are the attitude of teenagers and how to convince them?

Bad attitude. Convince them with money.

my son is 13 and he has a behavorial problem and bad attitude what can i do?

Try to get a referral through the school for therapy. Most schools can refer you to one free of charge for your son. It seems many teens are defiant these days.

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Who in the bible had a bad attitude?


How many teens use their cell phones for bad things?

There is no recordings of this but I would guess most troubled teens so about 1/4 of our nation has teens that use their phones for bad things.

Are troubled teens a result of bad parenting?

Troubled teens can be the result of bad parenting but this is not always the case and it should never be assumed that this is the case.