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Yes, granted other people may say it's for environmental reason, and other possibilties, but i say i prefer to take a bath than a shower because your sitting in your own dirt, then you shower to rinse the dirt off

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Perhaps they don't want to get their hair wet.

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To keep clean...

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So people will like you.

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to have sex

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Q: Why do some people not like to take a shower?
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Cuz they need to take a shower

Why would you need a shower enclosure?

There are alot of people in this world who like to take a shower instead of taking a bath. When you take a shower water comes out of a fauset from about your head and if you do not have a shower enclosure then your floor will get all wet.

How do you take a group shower?

Get People To go in the shower lol!

Does it take longer to take a shower or eat some cereal?

It depends how long you take to shower if you take 5-10 minutes to shower than having a shower is shorter but however if you only take and it usually takes people more than 10 minutes to have cereal so overall id say cereal is longer :)

What do people do after swimming?

take a shower

Should you take a shower everysingle day because i take a shower oneday then the other skip then it goes on and on like that?

Well truly it depends on you... I like to take a shower when I wake up so it's up to you! If you get smelly when u sleep then take a shower

Do all people take a shower regularly?

People of any ethnicity may shower in the same manner.

What is the best time of day to take a shower?

It depends on you and your schedule. Some people shower every morning, or every evening. Others will also shower before going out for the evening. Therefore there is no best time in general.

What are some things to do when your naked?

take a shower.

To take a shower or have a shower?

Whichever you like. Like are you standing ON line or IN line .How you express this is purely a matter of personal preference .

How many gallons does it take to take a shower?

What pressure is available? What size orifice , How long are people in the shower? 1 minute or several hours? This question is like asking "how fast can a car go" without knowing HP etc..

When is the right time to take a shower?

When is the right time to take a shower? I will be happy to solve that. You see, if you don't shower at all, you will get lots of bacteria on your body, and nobody likes that AT ALL, right? If you take a shower WAY WAY WAY too much, you might wash away some things that can protect you. What I recommend you to do, is to take a shower today, and take a break from taking the shower tomorrow, but you will have to take a shower the day AFTER tomorrow. I hope you got it.