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People often act immature as a result of insecurity, especially if they aren't sure how to handle a particular situation. If a change in behavior and maturity is sudden, it may in rare cases indicate mental illness or brain injury.

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Q: Why do some people act immature at an older age?
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Related questions

How can people act less immature and more mature?

If you have to pretend like your mature then theres no point. Some people are naturally mature and others are innately immature.

Why act like adultbaby?

Some people enjoy roleplaying as an adult baby. It can be a fetish for them. Some people are just immature and act in a negative way which others may call 'acting like a baby'.

How do you ask out a teen that is like 4 years older than you?

Try to be cute and daring, just don't act immature.

Why are guys immature?

The same can be said for females. Guys are not always immature, as females are not always. Some just choose to be. because girls mature faster and/or we find reality and learn from our mistakes

Why do people depant people?

because they are ignorant and immature little kids and act like dumb little kids :)

Why do people act immature and weird all the time?

There could be a variety of reasons why people act immature and weird, such as seeking attention, lacking emotional intelligence, or feeling insecure. It's important to remember that everyone is unique and may have their own reasons for behaving a certain way.

How would an immature middle aged man act around a woman he likes?

It depends on the personality of the man. Some men who are shy would just be more shy and on the quiet side. It takes patience, but in time he'll start talking. Some men will boast about their accomplishments or some will boast about their conquests with other women. Since you said he was immature I'd move on. Immature older men are simply not worth it and generally stray from commitment.

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What are some ways not to act around people?

You should be yourself around people but also if your in a special place like a restaurant then you should act mature and like an adult like your mother,father,grandmother,great grandmother,or older sister and older brother.

When a young woman complains that men her age are immature could she mean that she has very small breasts and the guys her age are too immature to accept her?

huh? when someone says guys act immature, they just mean that guys act immature. there's no hidden meaning to it.

How can you tell if a shy immature girl likes you?

she will be so immature that she changes for you. but if shes under12 she will act like she hates you.

Why are people dating when 11?

Some young people date because they think it's cool. And they want to try to act older or more mature then they really are.