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probably due to the lack of oxygen secondary to fluid being accumulated in lungs

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Q: Why do pneumonia patients get confused?
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Does pneumonia affect the patients future?

Most individuals recover from pneumonia. However, very elderly and/or immunocompromised patients sometimes succumb, despite antibiotic treatment, and die.

Agent for pcp pneumonia in patients allergic to sulfonamides?

Pneumocystis pneumonia is a type of pneumonia which is common among AIDS or HIV patients. Sulfa drugs are the most commonly used to treat this type of pneumonia, but for those allergic to sulfa drugs there are alternatives. One of the alternative drugs is Mepron, which is an antiprotozoal agent.

Can vaccination against influenza prevent pneumonia?

Yearly vaccination against influenza can decrease the risk of pneumonia for certain patients

What is staph pneumonia?

Staph pneumonia is pneumonia that is caused by a bacteria in the Staphylococcus family (usually Staphylococcus aureus). it is also were some cancer patients cannot use there lungs right

Can Radiation treatment lead to pneumonia?

Radiation treatment for breast cancer increases the risk of pneumonia in some patients by weakening lung tissue

Lab values to look for with patients diagnosed with pneumonia?

ABG's CMP CBC with diff

Can pneumonia cause tachycardia?

Pneumonia, as any other infectious process in your body, can cause tachycardia. Sometimes, patients with pneumonia also become dehydrated due to lack of fluid intake. This also can lead to tachycardia.

What patients are considered at high risk for aspiration pneumonia?

it is most often seen in babies with gerd, elderly patients or persons attached to breathing equipment.

Is pneumonia a treatable disease?

Yes. The vast majority of patients recover with properly targeted antibiotic treatment (unless it is a viral pneumonia). There are a few inidividuals, whether elderly, debilitated, or immunocompromised, who do not recover, and sometimes succumb to pneumonia.

If patient did not take prescription given by doctor what could possibly happen to the patients pneumonia and what could result in the patients condition from this change?

The patient can succumb to the pneumonia infection, the lungs can fill up with fluid, and the patient die. People die from pneumonia all the time, and was a common cause of death before the advent of antibiotics. If the patient has a prescription, he/she should take it!

Why do doctors have patients with pneumonia refrain from drinking water?

Patients with any lung infection should not refrain from drinking water! Hydration is very important to keeping lung secretions thinned so a patient can cough up the mucous. So whoever told you doctors "refrain" from advising patients to drink water when the patient has pneumonia is simply wrong.

Why are liver transplant patients susceptible to the same diseases as AIDS patients?

From taking immunosuppressive drugs, transplant patients are susceptible to the same "opportunistic" infections that threaten AIDS patients--pneumocystis pneumonia, herpes and cytomegalovirus infections, fungi, and a host of bacteria.