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Make sure you're breathing properly and not holding your breath while lifting.

If your body can not clear the lactic acid out quickly enough because there is no oxygen because you're holding your breath, you could feel like throwing up. Most of the time though you'd feel pretty dizzy first as a sign you need to start breathing right.

But people throw up because there pushing there body's to the limit.

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Can lifting weights be an exercise?

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Can people stop growing taller by lifting weights?

People do not stop growing by lifting weights. It was believed that weight lifting damaged the growth plates and stunted growth. It CAN happen, but only with very heavy weights, such as sets of 3-5 reps. They say no one should do HEAVY weights until they are 18, or fully grown.

Is lifting weights bad?

No. This is one of the things that is commonly misunderstood about lifting heavy weights. Lifting weights is not bad. There are people that squat four times their body weight and they have never been injured badly. If you do exercises with proper form, you will be able to gain muscle without injuring yourself.

What is the subject and predicate of Lifting weights builds muscles?

Lifting weights = subject builds muscles = predicate

What does lifting free weights mean?

it just means lifting weights that is not on a machine like using a curl bar

Do you get fat if you quit lifting weights?

This answer depends on your diet. If you continue to consume the same amount of calories after you quit lifting, then yes you may get fat. Lifting weights burns calories and muscles need these calories to build more muscle. If you quit lifting weights, your body no longer needs as many calories. Also, your metabolism will slow after you quit lifting weights. Now, if you quit lifting weights and also cut calories, you will not get fat.

What is the kinesthetic effect?

it's the feeling you get after lifting weights where everything feels lighter and werid. not only after lifting weights but also putting leg weights on etc.

What is a anaerobic workout?

Lifting weights.

How do you breath when lifting weights?

Exhale while lifting, inhale while relaxing.

How do you avoid injuries in weight lifting?

You can avoid injuries in weight lifting by doing a warm up session before you begin lifting weights and ensuring that you use the weights appropriately.

Is lifting weights mechanical energy?

Yes, lifting weights involves the conversion of chemical energy (from food) into mechanical energy (used to move the weights). The muscles contracting to lift the weights produce mechanical energy.