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People who suffer from bulimia often have rotten teeth because they purge.

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Q: Why do people suffer from bulimia often have rotted teeth?
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Related questions

What is the prognosis for bulimia nervosa?

There are many different outcomes for people with bulimia. Often, they can suffer some very serious medical complications and harm. Bulimia does have a high death rate, too. If treated, bulimics can make a full recovery, though.

Why do i want to throw up after i eat?

Yes. That is a sign of the dangerous (and potentially fatal) eating disorder known as bulimia.

What mental disorders are commonly found in people suffering from bulimia?

People suffering from bulimia are often found to have anxiety disorders, OCD, bipolar disorders or depression, body dysmorphic disorder.

What is the percentage of people affected by bulimia?

In eating disorder statistics, 40% of cases are bulimia. But in an entire population of healthy minded people, it's known that 1-4% of women may experience bulimia or bulimic behaviours at some point in their lifetime.

What gendersuffers from bulimia most often?


For people with bulimia nervosa binge episodes are often preceded by feelings of?

Extreme self-blame, shame, guilt and depression

Does weight often fluctuate when you have bulimia?

actually no, you tend to stay about the same, in a lot of cases people stay at a normal to slighly overweight weight.

How does exerise equipment cause bulimia?

Exercise equipment does not cause bulimia, low self-esteem and respect for your body causes bulimia. However, often times bulimics over-exercise in their attempt to lose weight, so exercise and bulimia can sometimes be paired together.

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What is dissues is it when you don't eat?

People who don't eat / starve themselves often suffer from a disorder known as Anorexia.

Which eating disorder involves binge eating and purging?

The eating disorder that involves binge eating and purging is bulimia nervosa. People with bulimia often eat large amounts of food in a short period of time (binge) and then try to get rid of the food through vomiting, laxatives, or excessive exercise (purge).

What do the behaviors of bulimia victims accomplish?

The behavior often serves to reduce stress and relieve anxiety.