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Cyanosis is a blue coloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin in blood vessels near the skin surface. It occurs when the oxygen saturation of arterial blood falls below 85-90% (1.5g/dl deoxyhemoglobin). Although human blood is always a shade of red (except in rare cases of hemoglobin-related disease), the optical properties of skin distort the dark red color of deoxygenated blood to make it appear bluish.

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Q: Why do people in respiratory arrest often show cyanosis?
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What doctor discovered cyanosis?

Dr. Ettie Levy first described cyanosis as a symptom in cases of congenital heart disease in a medical journal in 1874. However, Dr. Trousseau is often credited with coining the term "cyanosis" in the early 1800s.

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The medical term for an abnormal condition of blue color around the mouth is "cyanosis." Cyanosis is often caused by low levels of oxygen in the blood, leading to a bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes.

A reduction in blood supply to the skin causes what symptom?

Cyanosis - bluish, purplish coloring of the skin, most often the extremeties, and more seriously, the appendages.

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This condition is called cyanosis. Cyanosis is caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood, leading to a bluish discoloration of the skin, usually appearing in the extremities or lips. It is often a sign of underlying health issues that affect the circulation or oxygenation of the blood.

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What is heliotrope cyanosis?

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