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Organ transplants are the easiest to explain - people need these when their own organs have failed to prevent them from dying.

Tissue transplants work on the sample principle, but the patient may simply be suffering or could use the extra boost to return to full health. Tissue transplants include corneas (which can restore sight to people legally blinded by glaucoma or corneal trauma), bone grafts (which are often used during complicated bone re-setting surgeries) and skin grafts (which can be used during reconstructive surgery or to treat burn patients).

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People need certain organ transplants to survive some diseases. For example, if you had a liver problem, generous people give a liver to you, so you can live and the same thing can happen to a variety of different organs.

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because their organs are failing or not working properly

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forced of labour

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Q: Why do people have organ transplant?
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What is the purpose of a organ transplant?

Answer: The purpose of an organ transplant is to replace any vital organ not functioning and help revive (partial transplant)/make survival possible by donor organ.

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What is an organ transplant?

It is when a major organ is removed from the body and a replacement fitted or transplanted. Such as a heart transplant.

How many people need a transplant every year?

Around 100,000 people in the United States are currently on the waiting list for an organ transplant. However, the number of people needing a transplant worldwide may vary depending on the region and availability of organ donors.

How do you find out if you are registered for organ transplant?

To find out if you are on the waiting list for an organ transplant, talk to the transplant coordinator at the hospital that your are registered with. If you wish to find out if you are a registered organ donor (in the UK), look at

What caused the first organ transplant?

Organ failure.

What is rejection of organ transplant called?

organ rejection

When an organ transplant is not accepted by an individual?

It results in "organ rejection".

Does an organ transplant alter your DNA?

No, an organ transplant does not alter your DNA. The transplanted organ retains its original DNA, while the recipient's DNA remains unchanged.

What 1945 development improved organ transplant success?

A kidney transplant between twins.