Because You Don't Do A Lot With Your Pinky Finger Nails. All Your Other Nails Grow Slower Because You Do A Lot More To Damage Your Fingers And You Use Them A Whole Lot More Frequently. Your Pinky Finger Is Barely Used, So The Nail Grows Faster And Is Not Damaged As Much, Maintaining Its Growth.
0.00236 MPH for hair and 0.00187 MPH for nails
hard hair or keratin which is made of the same substance as hair
Hair, nails, grass,
You should not eat or bite your nails because they protect the tip of your fingers and toes , like hair nails grow in your skin. Keeping your nails trimmed is also important for your nails and health.
nails and hair!
Because your entire body is growing and constantly healing like a cut does. Maybe we don't utilize the worth of the hair and nails as we have in the past centuries or now even. I've heard of hair being used for mix with mud to go in between logs in a log house.
This literally cannot happen.
Prenatal vitamins. My hair (and nails) grew out of control when I was on them!
I suggest haircuts/hair burst it will help with both