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One reason is they don't eat enough fiber and don't drink enough water.

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Q: Why do people get constipation?
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Related questions

What is the most popular cure for constipation?

In general, most people typically cure constipation through the use of medication. Some examples of medication intended for constipation include Citrucel and Colace.

How do toilets kill people?

they give you aids, herpies and severe constipation.

Can steroid medication cause constipation?

It depends on your body's reaction. Some people have stomach problems while taking steroids (such as Prednisone) such as diarrhea or constipation. I'm currently using steroids for a disease flare up and they cause me constipation.

What is refractory constipation?

Constipation that does not respond to routine medical management of constipation.

How did grace hoppers invention help others?

no the invention gave people constipation.

Lavender oil help constipation by rubby a little on your belly?

It has been told that rubbing lavender oil on the stomach does help constipation. Some people think it is just a tell.

What is the code for constipation?

what is the procedure code for constipation.

do you have bloating and constipation?

do you have constipation and blating

What are the 3 different types or mime?

the mimes are used in constipation for old people with dierea

Does honey cure constipation?

Yes, Honey is one of the best natural remedies that works in maximum people's constipation case. You just need to take it with hot water mixed with lemon.

Can breastfeeding cause constipation?

NO breastfeeding will not cause constipation!

Why do bananas eat people?

people eat bananas simply because they are healthy and make you have to poo more often when you have constipation