Bladder infections can come from any infection of the ureathra from unprotected sex, or fingering without serious hand-washing. Poor hygene can contribute to the cause of this. You will need to see a medical professional for antibiotics or anti-inflamatory meds. At the very least, speak with your phamacist (Chemist, drug story attendant) about possible over the counter treatments.
Like most infections, the cause is started by bacteria building up beyond normal levels. The bacteria can go above normal levels by one of two methods: You have introduced outside bacteria (not cleaning properly), or your PH balance is "off." PH balance is trickier to adjust because it mostly changes based on what you eat and drink. Eat healthier and practice good personal hygiene. Warning signs that you need a doctor immediately: Blood in your urine, low Back pain that is gradually getting worse, or fever over 103.
If you are having a lot of bladder infections there can be several causes. Drinking drinks with red food dye is one, taking bubble baths is another. The soap in the babble baths is a poor grade soap. Another could be colored bathroom paper. Not going to the bathroom often enough is another. Drink cranberry juice to help stop them.
Lots of things. Taking long bubble baths instead of showers. Using colored toilet paper instead of white can irritate it.. Wearing polyester underwear instead of cotton can hold moisture in and irritate the urethra. Wiping yourself from back to front when you use the toilet can spread germs to the urethra. Your diet can also have an effect, so make a note of any food that seems to result in irritation.
NO! In what way could a cat effect a bladder problem????????
You can find symptoms of Urinary Tract, and Bladder Infections at
Usually, bladder infections symptoms include having to go a lot, but when you try, not much comes out. Bladder infections sometimes has stomach pain, tiredness, and pain when going to the bathroom.
I am not sure Gatorade can be a cause of bladder infections but in my experience it has been a contributing factor to bladder irritation.
I am not aware of any real evidence that cranberry supplements help conditions like overactive bladder. However, cranberry may help some people minimize their risk of bladder infections. Cranberry inhibits the ability of some pathogens to adhere to the walls of urinary tract and may help sufferers of recurring bladder infections reduce the number of infections.
It's filtered out by the kidneys and goes through the ureters down to the bladder.
urinary track infections
Microorganisms cause infections which affect the urinary system. Usally the infections start in the bladder and spread to the kidneys.
No, they are cured by antibiotics