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Q: Why do people get addictive to psychics?
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Related questions

How reliable are online psychics?

Psychics are believed by some people, but not by others. Webpage-based psychics are just as reliable as non-webpage psychics, and often produce detailed readings daily.

How do psychics read people or items?

they don't. psychics are sometimes fakers. they just want money or your personal life, so don't believe psychics all the time

CAN EXISTINg people communicate with the dead people?

Yes. People like psychics.

What people get affected by psychics?

People are not affected by Psychics. If you believe in psychic readings, you receive one from a psychic. You can believe what the psychic says or you may not believe what the psychic says. It is up to you.

Can psychics do spells?

No. This is not their ability. Some believe that psychics can see visions or signs of things of the future or past events or people that have passed on or away.

Is marijuana a non-addictive mildly addictive highly addictive or a psychlogically addictive?

Non-addictive. Some people claim that it is, however those people don't understand the difference between wanting something and needing something.

Is piczo addictive?

Some people might find it addictive

What is the difference between psychics and evangelists?

Psychics are metaphysical in their beliefs and evangelists are fundamentalist Christians who are often opposed to psychics.

How was psychics discovered?

I don't think psychics were really ever discovered. There have been people who have predicted the future as far back as recorded history so they have always been with us

Are all psychics scams?

No, not all psychics are scams. You can find out how to avoid them at

Do psychics lie?

Psychics don't necessarily lie. Many psychics may actually believe that they have the abality to see into the future, or speak to the dead. psychics lie only when they need to get certin information

Where can someone in the Toronto are go for palm readings?

There is an online business that specifies in helping people find Palm Readers and Psychics in the Toronto area. It is called "Toronto Palm Readers & Psychics".