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Because gorillas are gyy

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Q: Why do people fart during a bowel movement?
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Do people fart during surgery?

Yes. They pretty much fart during everything.

Why do you fart during yoga?

you fart during yoga because the movement and streaching probably pushis the litle stinker out hahaha but sereosly that's probably wy AND I KNOW MY SPELLING SUKS

Why do people fart during a heart attack?

Honestly, it's just a good time to fart as ever. Take every opportunity to fart, including during a heart attack. That's what makes a life rich.

What happens when you fart in slow motion?

When you fart in slow motion, the sound and movement of the fart will be exaggerated due to the slower frame rate. This can make the fart sound deeper and the movement more dramatic compared to real-time speed.

Women fart when giving birth?

It is possible and many women do. Given the circumstances of being spread apart & pushing with everything you've got it is certain you will pass gas while you are giving birth, in addition most women have a bowel movement during the birthing process, this is absolutely normal & a welcome sign as it means you are pushing in the right place!

How do you hold in a fart?

Actually if you hold a "fart" it infects body or bowel causing the to shut the hart down causing him/her to die(if you do it to much) so don't hold in your "farts"

What should you do if you cannot fart?

I think the bigger question is whether you can have a bowel movement. If you have used the bathroom in the last day or so, it may just be something you ate, and you can try eating something high in fiber and drink plenty of water. If it has been longer than that, you should consult a physician. I think if you consult a physician you will only be disappointed to find out that you have a rare disease. People with this disease are called neebs. (Neebs are people that just cant fart) Neebs sometimes suffer depression because they can not enjoy the pure fun in letting out farts or gees. (A gee is a short but violent fart) good luck neeb.

How does a fart spread around the room?

movement of air and osmosis

Why do people fart at ALL?

All people don't fart i knew a man that never farted unless he did when no one was with him and most people fart because they are releasing gas from their intestines.

What cuvers up dog fart smell?

People fart and oust

Does bob fart?

all people fart. bob is a human so bob must fart. i, fart doctor, would know. i too fart so if i can do it, so can bob.

Do girls fart during school?
