

Best Answer

1. They enjoy the feeling of blowing smoke out of their mouth.

2. They think its very cool to smoke.

3. They got addicted to it and so it because a daily habit.

4. They have too much money to the extent that they have to waste them on cigarettes.

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14y ago
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Shyla Mozden

Lvl 2
3y ago

For adiction or stress relief,or they just want to look cool smoking can cause death and heart attacks.

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Winfield Wuckert

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3y ago
are you sure?

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7y ago

They smoke for many reasons like addiction or for stress relief, or they just want to look cool but the truth is smoking can kill you. And then they get addicted.

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12y ago

Well its addicting to everyone! Once they start the cant stop! Or its because there freinds smoke and they think there cool they wont be cool when they get wrinkels!

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12y ago

When people smoke inside, kids other parents who dont smoke they inhale the smoke cough andcould cause cancer, etc...

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Q: Why do people enjoy smoking?
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Related questions

What percent of people enjoy smoking?

20% of the world

What is the main reason for people to start smoking?

Because they enjoy it.

What are some effective ways to get people to stop smoking?

You can always try to use the Nicorette medicine, or the anti-smoking patches. Another good way to help stop is to do something you enjoy rather than smoking a cigarette. You tend to take your mind off the crave when you're doing something you enjoy.

Why do people enjoy smoking pot?

Well, people resort to drugs for many reasons. Some may consume drugs for the purpose of fitting in, depression, feeling high, or simply to forget things. Smoking is very unhealthy.

How do you stop a guy from smoking?

You can't stop anybody from doing anything especially with smoking. Smoking is very addictive and it is very hard to quit. Believe it or not a lot of people enjoy smoking too. You will need to voice your opinion to this guy but it could be a waste of your time. If he is not willing to give them up then there is nothing you can do about it.

Does Kristi Capel enjoy smoking cigarettes?

She's addicted

What does smoking tobacco feel like?

after you smoke you get excited and happy and you crave more its nice but then you get addicted.its a lie when people tell you you will cough and burn your throat when smoking don't swallow the smoke exhale it after taking it in.

How can you quit smoking weed?

Do not light up that next joint/pipe! Cultivate hobbies that you enjoy but that do not require marijuana. Hang around with people that do not smoke.

How can female bodybuilding be bad if millions of women past and present do bodybuilding?

That's like asking, "How can smoking be bad if millions of people past and present smoke?". People enjoy it despite being aware it's harmful, or, as in the case of smoking, people in the past weren't aware of the negative impacts.

Do more people die from secondhand smoking or from smoking?


How can smoking be changed?

if people stop smoking then smoking can be changed

Do people realize if female bodybuilding was bad for women no woman never would have done bodybuilding?

People realise that smoking is bad for you, but they do it nonetheless...people may enjoy it even though they're aware it's harmful. In any case, in the past people were far less aware of the negative impacts of female bodybuilding (and indeed of smoking).